Elder Andersen was here in Orlando for a Stake Conference in our mission and asked if he could come and speak to our missionaries. We had the whole mission together, which doesn't happen very often. It was a wonderful sight to see all the mission come together! Elder Andersen and his wife, Kathy were accompanied by Elder Burns (our area seventy) and his wife, Joyce.
Elder Andersen taught us to learn to recognize the Spirit of the Lord and to pay attention to the little voices. "Who the Lord calls, He qualifies".
Taught how to help us grow up in the gift of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost will warn you before you do something very wrong. The Holy Ghost is a teacher, He'll teach you, be listening... what would you have me learn. Don't be so quick to respond when teaching. Have a prayer in your heart when you teach. The Spirit will help you see things as they really are and will give you courage.
The Atonement in missionary work. This is life eternal to know thee that this is Jesus Christ whom thou has sent. Not known just in your study but the mission is a perfect environment to know Him.
He taught about merits, mercy and grace.
It was a wonderful experience to be with an Apostle of the Lord.
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