Yes, it's transfer week again. This is an exciting but hard week. These 15 new missionaries come with many emotions. Everyone who comes is facing a monumental task. For 2 years or 18 months they are to give up everything they have known and give everything to the Lord. They spend 3-4 hours a day studying, role playing and preparing to teach investigators. They are expected to find people to teach every day by contacting, talking to everyone and working with members. They are expected to spend about 7 hours a week planning. They teach 20 lessons a week. And of course they are to prepare people to be baptized and to endure to the end. That is just part of it. You would be amazed at all that the missionaries do.
We welcome them to the FOM!
Congrats to Elder Klekas!! He was my son's MTC companion and we love him for all he did for Elder Day!